Lost in translation?

Here, I discuss a term, expression, or phrase that is tricky in a German-English context.

02 Mar 2018

You are interested in starting out as a freelance German-English translator in Germany? Then you need to check out this business opportunity.

13 Jan 2017
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My (inexhaustive) list of Denglish words

If you regularly speak with Germans, be it for business reasons or during travel, you've probably stumbled upon your German counterpart using some pseudo-English vocabulary – a phenomenon called “Denglish”. Find out here what your business partner actually means when he says things like “Handy” or “Shooting”.

06 Sep 2016
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Are you based in Germany but have an English website or publish advertising materials, brochures, product catalogues or annual reports in English? Then you’ve probably had to think about whether to use American or British English. The problem is that in today’s global economy texts are rarely read exclusively by either the British or by Americans ...

20 Mar 2016
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The chances are high that you will come across this English idiom, even in a business context. However, I have found that many German speakers are not familiar with it.

23 Feb 2016
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What is the correct English translation of “selbstbewusst”? “Self-conscious” or rather “self-confident”?

16 Jan 2016
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Singular or plural?

Especially in writing, the question arises whether to treat "data" as a plural noun or as an uncountable mass noun.

17 Nov 2015
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This legal notice is required by German law – but how is it translated correctly?

Is your business based in Germany and you’re struggling with how to translate the heading “Impressum” for the English version of your website? You're not alone.

15 Sep 2015
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These words look and sound similar, but differ in meaning.

07 Aug 2015
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Though this is a culture-specific idiom (USA, baseball), it is today well-known, particularly in the business world.

13 Jul 2015
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"I called my superiors, Sally and Mike." Now who exactly did the speaker call? Sally and Mike, as well as the superiors? Or are Sally and Mike in fact the speaker’s superiors? By using an Oxford comma in this sentence, one could clarify that one means the former.

Member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Germany


Website last updated on 2025-01-12 |  Elizabeth Naithani: lan­gu­age trai­ner, copy edi­tor & proof­rea­der, German-English Language Provider in Cologne  |  Impressum/Legal Notice & Data privacy  |  Sitemap  ǀ  AGB