  • Mothertongues: German, Swiss-German, English
  • Other: French (fluent) and Italian (basic)
  • US-American
  • Swiss


M.A., English Linguistics & Literature
University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Final grade: 1 (summa cum laude)
  • Focus: translation studies; media discourse; language of advertizing; intercultural communication

M.A., Contemporary History
University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Final grade: 1.5 (cum laude)
  • Focus: US economy, society and politics; oil and renewable energies; the Cold War

University of California, Berkeley
Semester abroad, USA

Focus: Public speaking; American history

Professional experience

Cologne University of Applied Sciences (2009–2015)
Faculty of Information Science and Communication Studies, Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK)

Lecturer and examiner for the courses:

  • Oral translation, English
  • Text production, English

Design Department, Dusseldorf (2009/2010)
College for Fashion and Communication

English lecturer for the course "Business English"

Adult Education Center, Cologne (2008–2010)
Lecturer for the courses:

  • Cambridge Business English (C1), preparation for the BEC Higher exam
  • Intercultural Business English
  • Business English (C1)
  • Business English Conversation (B2) for students of the University of Cologne at the Faculty of Management Economics and Social Sciences

Vocational College of Technology and Design, Aachen (2008)
Teacher for the subjects "General English" and "English for IT"

European Business and Language Academy (EWS), Aachen (2007)
Business English teacher

2007 Founding of Language Boutique®
in the meanwhile with offices in Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin and Leipzig

  • Translator and proofreader
  • Trainer for Business English and Intercultural Communications: (see references)

HWS Huber Widemann Schule (2006/2007)
Private Commercial School, Basel

Business English teacher

Sydney, Australia (2011/2012)
Freelance translator and proofreader

Tahoe, California, USA (2003)
Tourism industry, customer services (ten months)

Basel, Switzerland (2005–2007)
Translator and English teacher (two years)

Professional development

Terminology of IFRS Financial Reports:
"Finanzberichte nach IFRS/DRS: Eine Einführung für Übersetzer und Terminologen"
Multi-day seminar, DTT, Cologne

Banking and Finance Translation
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Multi-day workshop

Member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Germany


Website last updated on 2025-01-12 |  Elizabeth Naithani: lan­gu­age trai­ner, copy edi­tor & proof­rea­der, German-English Language Provider in Cologne  |  Impressum/Legal Notice & Data privacy  |  Sitemap  ǀ  AGB