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English Proofreading & Copyediting

English-Proofreading & Copyediting in Cologne, Elizabeth Naithani, M.A.
Elizabeth Naithani, M.A.
Native Speaker (English), Cologne

How do you react to mistakes in important documents written in your mother tongue?

In the same way, mistakes in important English texts are not only embarrassing but can alienate your customers. All too often German native speakers perceive English texts to be free of errors, when in fact an English native speaker spots mistakes or recognizes the style as “foreign”.

Is (an international) image important in your line of business? I would be glad to help you with your English texts.

What does a proofreader do?

A proofreader scrutinizes a text to assure accuracy, checking in particular for grammar, comma, and spelling mistakes and suggesting changes in vocabulary.

If the English text that needs proofreading is a translation, particular attention is given to translation mistakes.

What does a copyeditor do?

The English copyeditor goes one step further than the proofreader by keeping an eye not only on basic language mistakes, but also on content. For example company names, numbers, references, email addresses, phone numbers, or job titles are double-checked in the copyediting process. Further, the copyeditor questions coherence, sentence structure, paragraphing, use of country-specific idioms, corporate wording, jargon, register, and style.

If a house style sheet exists, the copyeditor is careful to comply with it. On request, the copyeditor can create a custom-made style sheet or glossary for you during the copyediting process (additional fee).

How are the mistakes corrected?

As most of my clients are German speaking, I correct proofreading work done on paper by using the standard German proofreading marks according to DIN 16511 (PDF).

In the case of electronic documents, I make changes to the typewritten words by using the "track changes" function (Microsoft Word®). Possible questions or comments are also added to the electronic document.

The following tutorial video will explain how the "track changes" function works in case you are not familiar with this technique.


Proofreading and copyediting prices can only be calculated after having a thorough look at the text. It goes without saying that any texts received are treated with utmost confidentiality.

The amount of time that is needed for proofreading and copyediting work varies greatly and therefore is charged per hour, in accordance with common practice in Germany.

Additional fees may apply for rush-orders, weekend, or holiday work.

My prices are based on the recommendations of the German Association of Freelance Proofreaders (VFLL). For more information, see “Honorarempfehlung für freiberufliche Lektoratsarbeit”.

Would you like a free, no-obligation quote?

Member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Germany


Website last updated on 2024-05-02 |  Elizabeth Naithani: lan­gu­age trai­ner, copy edi­tor & proof­rea­der, German-English Language Provider in Cologne  |  Impressum/Legal Notice & Data privacy  |  Sitemap  ǀ  AGB